I didn’t quite know what to expect when I agreed six months ago to go to New Orleans with my friend, Jess, and two of her friends, Amanda and Nikki. I had never considered going. It just hadn’t crossed my mind. As it turns out, New Orleans is an amazing city—filled with unbelievable music, food, architecture and culture—and I was in terrific company when I arrived last Wednesday.
We ordered beignets and coffee at Cafe Du Monde. We thought we were ordering four beignets total, but we ended up ordering four orders due to a slight miscommunication, so we received a total of 12 desserts (a happy accident).
We had platefuls of powdered sugar after we were done (along with sugar on the table, our bags, clothes, the floor and everything else close by when the wind picked up). It was worth it.
Nikki, Amanda and Jess—my lovely roommates during the trip.
We came across the most amazing live jazz band in the street. As it turned out, Nikki went to high school with the trombone player—such a small world!
Amanda and Nikki tried on a few masks at a local shop.
You can’t leave New Orleans without stopping at Mother’s Restaurant. I had the grits with cheese.
We caught three parades while we were there. The most amazing was the Muses parade. The parade is all females, and they throw beads and shoes. Yes, shoes.
After seeing these photos and being reminded how much I love NOLA I am THIS close to buying a ticket to get back down there!
Did you eat at Mother’s?
And Cafe Du Monde … mmmmmmmmm.
Duh, missed the Mother’s grits picture. Obviously I was so dizzy with jealousy I missed a close read…
🙂 We were told not to miss Mother’s, and we went immediately from Mother’s to Cafe Du Monde.
That city honestly had some of the best food I’ve ever eaten.
GREAT pictures!! I’ll have to work on posting mine tonight, but I think yours do NOLA the real justice it deserves! It was so great to meet you! Hope to see you again soon 🙂